Monday, December 20, 2010

Cerebral Graffiti

I am not going to use Spell Check and see how far I get I have nothing much to share I just think that the Internet has become a dump, really its like downtown when the bars have all let out everyone going off in different directions a strange kind of frenzy which really has no purpose since its going to result in everyone passed out anyways a couple of loud persons Shouting and trying to persuade others to follow them back home others peeing in the street some maybe been encouraged to flash, Yes the Internet is much like Bourbon street during Mardi Gras Anything goes really with random visits by the authorities to keep things in check..LOL Really its just like that and I know I am not a prude but its ridiculous what is acceptable today and my generation either does not get it or has no desire to figure out how their Computers work, they would rather be in a coma on the couch as opposed to discussing issues in a chat forum? I know I realised after I mentioned it what is the difference? LOL well I would choose the forum. k my 2 cents until I have another cerebral explosion.Yeah im not that smart I used Spell Check Chuckles im honest tho.