Friday, May 20, 2011

The Zombie apocalypse

  • 10 minutes ago · Edit · Remove

    So I cant decide want I want to wear for the end of the world what color Do I want the Digipat Camo or do I go old school urban ? which shot gun the Remington or the Auto 5? So many Decisions .223 or 7.62 and what about my secondary? I hope I have it all figured out by tomorrow ;-) is it straight up judgement day or is it like a Fast movers (28days)Zombie apocalypse or a pseudo biochemical mutant disaster slow moving creeper zombie attack? I ll just carry on working on my tan I want to look good at least...LOL I really hope its a slow movers attack im kinda out of shape and should probably work on my cardio, but if its the end of the world its too late already oh well. Damn it I did nt even think about music selection? So many choices some heavy rock although drowning pool is way over played, maybe some RATM or how about techno or dubstep Moby or Deadmau5? I think I got this have all the music sorted at least I will just go shuffle. Has anyone checked what the rich and influential are doing are they actually making way to their bunkers escorted by their private armies and security details that might be a sign some one call Bill gates see where he is this weekend.

  • Until then all i can really impart is stay thirsty and enjoy a cold one be safe sounds like a

    Dos Equis commercial...LOL